Thoughts on technology, investing, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

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A seasoned technology professional and entrepreneur, Tom Markiewicz currently works in developer advocacy for IBM. He was formerly the co-founder & CTO of Investify as well as the co-founder & CEO of StatsMix, a Techstars alumni company. An active speaker on the topics of technology, marketing, and social media, Tom has presented at numerous conferences […]

Apple Watch as Battery Enhancer

A possible hidden feature of the Apple Watch: Depending on how well Apple manages the Bluetooth link with the iPhone, the Apple Watch could then effectively function as a wearable spare battery pack for iPhone users if it ends up re-routing enough usage away from the primary mobile device to an auxiliary wearable. If that’s […]

Defending iOS with cheap iPhones

Benedict Evans delivers a compelling argument on why a cheaper iPhone is essential for Apple: A new, cheaper, high-volume iPhone would have the potential to mitigate or even reverse this trend. Clearly, like current low-end Android, it would sell to a demographic with a lower average engagement and purchase rate and so the average iOS […]

Tactics to Spark Creativity

This study apparently validates my methodology while late-night programming: Moderate drinking can also relax inhibitions in a way that seems to let the mind range across a wider set of possible connections. It can also help a person notice environmental cues or changes that a sober brain would block out, Dr. Wiley says. In a […]

Looking for a new Boulder-Denver StartupDigest curator

I’m looking for a replacement to curate the Boulder-Denver StartupDigest. If you’re actively involved with local startups and have interest, let me know and we can discuss. My startup, StatsMix, was recently acquired and I’ve decided I need to take some time off. After three consecutive startups and many years without a real vacation, it’s […]


I curate the Boulder-Denver edition of the StartupDigest. StartupDigest is a free weekly email to help you meet people and learn more in the tech startup world. Receive the best regional events for each week in an email that’s sent each Monday morning. Subscribe here or read about how I select startup events for the […]

Boulder-Denver StartupDigest Questions

I get the question of “why didn’t you include my event?” often enough that I decided to write my selection process so I don’t have to repeat myself. First and foremost, the StartupDigest is a curated email newsletter of local events. Curation involves selecting a small number of events from a much larger pool and […]

Lean Startup Machine Boulder

Due to an extra busy schedule last week, I wasn’t quite able to attend most of the Boulder Startup Week events I wanted. But participating as a speaker and mentor at Boulder’s first Lean Startup Machine event on Saturday made up for it. Lean Startup Machine is a three-day workshop where attendees use customer development […]

Adapt to Your Customers

Tom Preston-Werner, founder of Github, on adapting to your customers and their requests: And that’s the secret. Don’t give your customers what they ask for; give them what they want. via Ten Lessons from GitHub’s First Year

Pixelate part of an image in Photoshop

I recently had to update some screenshots on the StatsMix marketing site and needed to remove some personal information like API keys from the image. I wanted to just gracefully pixelate the data, keeping the image looking nice. I’d done it before, but couldn’t remember what steps to take. After a some trial and error, […]