Thoughts on technology, investing, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

Micro-blogging with Tumblr

I’ve been experimenting with Tumblr for a little while now and I really enjoy the service as a solution for micro-blogging combined with Twitter. I’ve previously discussed Twitter as a solution for lifeblogging, but it lacks the capability to post links, pictures, and videos. Tumblr enables the importing of any feed in addition to posting all the links and multi-media I find interesting and want to share without composing a full blog post. I setup Tumblr to automatically import all my twitters as well as any additional links I post manually.

Personally, I find blogs with link posts and short one or two liners outside their topic distracting at best. I’ve recently unsubscribed from numerous blogs that clutter up their typically interesting posts with automated link posting from sites like and ma.gnolia. Don’t get me wrong, I sometimes find these links quite interesting; but I usually would rather not bother sorting through them unless there is some kind of commentary attached.

Tumblr gives users a better forum for this kind of blogging by creating a kind of site referred to as a tumblelog. Tumblr provides a free hosting service for creating tumblelogs providing domain mapping as well as a beautiful dashboard for managing all your content. You can find my Tumblr tumblelog here:

If you’re ready to get starting micro-blogging, check out MediaShift’s comprehensive guide to micro-blogging with Twitter.

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1 Comment

  1. the problem with tumblr is that there is no search functionality. treating it like a scrap book per say, if I do want look for something that I remember posting earlier, I’ll have to look back through pages and pages of links. that is why I feel something like delicious, although not as pretty but it will be more functional and useful. if one is in desperate need to show the world their links, it may be better to create a full fledged separate blog and dump it with links and pictures. that way, if you ever want extra functionality, it is there. my option (although without a search function) for a better micro blogging solution — pownce. it offers the ability to post links, pictures, and videos in real micro blogging style. pownce i believe beats twitter in every way but that may be just my opinion.