Thoughts on technology, investing, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

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352 results found.

Lessons Learned from a Screencast Business

Geoffrey Grosenbach runs a company called PeepCode Screencasts that produces outstanding screencasts for learning a variety of programming topics mainly around Ruby on Rails. I’ve purchased a bunch of them and they’ve all been fantastic learning tools. Recently he posted a transcript of a presentation he gave on the lessons learned from three years of […]

Gruber on Microsoft's Long, Slow Decline

There are quite a few arguments (in each direction) in the Mac vs PC debate, but I think this quote from John Gruber sums it up perfectly: People who love computers overwhelmingly prefer to use a Mac today. Microsoft’s core problem is that they have lost the hearts of computer enthusiasts. Regular people don’t think […]

How Do You Prefer Web Startups Communicate?

I’m in the process of launching a new product and with a clean slate I’ve started to re-examine all my processes. One communication aspect I feel the need to visit is how users of a service prefer to stay informed about developments and news. Specifically, I’m talking about new features and updates. While there are […]

Boxed Ice on Running a Successful Beta

Boxed Ice, creators of Server Density, wrote up a nicely detailed post on how to run a successful beta program for a web application. Knowing when to release a product is difficult. The maxim “release early, release often” certainly applies but that has to be balanced against making sure you have a minimum viable product […]

How Social Media Really Works

Great thoughts on building your products from A Whole Lotta Nothing: So maybe instead of getting your company on twitter, paying marketers to mention you are on twitter, and paying people to blog about your company, forget all that and just make awesome stuff that gets people excited about your products, hire people that represent […]

Startup Revival Plans to Archive Failed Companies

Startup Revival is a recently launched site that is attempting to catalogue failed startup companies so all entrepreneurs can learn from their mistakes. I love the concept and they recently added my story of EvolvePoint’s failure. Do you have a company with a great foundation, but it just didn’t work? Or do you have an […]

How to Resolve a MobileMe Sync Issue

I’ve had my iPhone for about 5 months now, but only recently I decided to subscribe to MobileMe and try over the air syncing of my contacts and calendar data. Unfortunately, after following Apple’s instructions, I could not get it to work. My Mac would sync with MobileMe and vice versa, but MobileMe would not […]

Beer and Investing

I normally don’t post jokes, but my sister sent me this and I thought it was quite appropriate for the times. If you had purchased $1,000 of AIG stock one year ago…you would have $42 left. Lehman Bros… $6.60 left… Fannie or Freddie… You would have less then $5 left. BUT, If you had purchased […]

Twitter Tools Digest Problem

I’d like to apologize this morning for about ten errant posts that were made to my blog. This mainly affected those subscribed to the feed and I was able to quickly remove the posts, but I’d like to briefly explain what happened. I’ve been using the Twitter Tools plugin for quite a while to post […]

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