As a convenient follow-up to my post earlier today, I spotted a Forbes article on Digg entitled 150 Cheap Places to Live. Rich Karlgaard writes about how knowledge workers don’t need to live in big cities anymore due to computers, broadband, mobile phones, etc. The report’s methodology includes a variety of factors and the picks are broken down into the following categories: Porch-Swing Communities (best family-friendly cities), Happy Hootervilles (best small towns), IQ Campuses (emerging centers of biotech and infotech), Steroid Cities (fast-growing, business-friendly metro areas), Bohemian Bargains (lively inner cities), and Telecommuting Heavens (where to work in your underwear).
Blacksburg, Va was listed in the Telecommuting Heaven category with the comment that it could have also been listed in Porch-Swing Communities and IQ Campuses as well.