I’m looking for a replacement to curate the Boulder-Denver StartupDigest. If you’re actively involved with local startups and have interest, let me know and we can discuss.
My startup, StatsMix, was recently acquired and I’ve decided I need to take some time off. After three consecutive startups and many years without a real vacation, it’s time for a little break to figure out what’s next. That’s why it makes sense to hand off curating the digest to someone else.
Currently, I’m helping StartupDigest find a replacement for the Boulder-Denver area curator. The main requirement to curate a digest is being actively involved with a local startup.
I have a comprehensive process and list of events I check each week and I’m happy to meet with you, give you all my resources, and help in the transition any way I can.
If you’re interested, just email me at tom at thestartupdigest dot com and we can discuss.