Tom Markiewicz - Part 23

Thoughts on technology, investing, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

Firefox 1.5 is released

I saw that Firefox 1.5 was released today. I just downloaded it and will install later. I’m hoping they fixed a nasty memory leak I’ve been seeing, but haven’t had time to look into. Some of the new features include

Update on Google Analytics

Just a quick update on Google Analytics – it looks like the service is 100% up and running now. One really big caveat though – no new signups are occurring right now. This is great news for those of us who were able to get in early, but no so good news for everyone else. […]

Yahoo launches ads in feeds

I just received an email from the Yahoo Publisher Network (competing with Google AdSense) announcing their support of ads in RSS feeds. Interestingly, it looks like they’ve beat Google to the punch on this one. Google has had their ads for feeds in beta for a long time now and still no public release. We’ve […]

Measure Map and Google Analytics

One of my must-read blogs, TechCrunch, has a recent post entitled “Google Analytics Swings at Measure Map.” Though I love this site and its coverage on everything new and cool happening around the web, I have to take exception with that headline as it assumes something I don’t quite think is there yet with Measure […]

Google Analytics released

Google launched its Analytics service today. I’m pretty excited about this service as we’re a big user of Google AdWords as well as Google AdSense at EvolvePoint. This seems to be the first public offering of web analytics from Google since their acquisition of Urchin. Although I’m very interested to see how Google Analytics integrates […]

Top Web Design Mistakes

EvolvePoint is currently in the process of redesigning all of our corporate web sites: EvolvePoint, FeedMiner, and FeedCraft. So, all the issues that surround good web design have been on my mind. In addition to using a great design company throughout the process, it’s always good to have an understanding of the design issues to […]

Today's links for 10-14-2005

Shared bookmarks for user Tom Markiewicz on 2005-10-14 BzzAgent — word of mouth advertising service Tagged as: [advertising buzz marketing] Fundable – Collect money for group purchasing, fundraising. — service that lets groups of people pool money to make purchases or raise funds Tagged as: [collaboration funding fundraising] Pingoat – The stable of all […]