RSS feed publishing updates | Tom Markiewicz

Thoughts on technology, investing, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

RSS feed publishing updates

I’ve had a slight pause in posting to my blog, but this was due to good circumstances. We’ve been incredibly busy with new releases to our products. EvolvePoint is currently finishing up a series of updates to our RSS feed creation service, FeedCraft. We’ve rolled out improvements in login management, enhanced support for enclosures (including podcasts), and a role-based management system for our varying users.

Over the next few weeks, users will see updates in RSS feed exporting and reporting. In addition, we’re rolling out the ability for customers to do some limited branding to the RSS feed landing page visitors see when the feed is viewed in a web browser. Finally, we’re in the process of finishing up our enterprise RSS solution. I’ll be posting more on this over the next few weeks.

Many of these changes are transparent to users, but significant development occurs behind the scenes. This is what makes blogs such a great medium for communicating with customers and partners. A minor release doesn’t usually warrant a press release, but blogs give companies the ability to publish information and updates on a more frequent basis. People ask me all the time why they should blog. If nothing else, business blogging is about constant communication. If you don’t see the value in that concept, you’ve got much bigger problems than worrying about writing a blog!

For anyone interested in our products and their development, we have a company blog at

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