The formal dedication of the VT KnowledgeWorks facility occurred this past Saturday. Speakers included Senator George Allen, Congressman Richard Boucher, and Virginia Tech President Charles Steger. In addition to some nice media coverage, existing VT KnowledgeWorks member companies had the opportunity to speak with both the honored guests as well as the press and discuss […]
Google Blog Search launched
Well, I saw this one coming (and really, who didn’t?). Google launched its Google Blog Search today (via Steve Rubel, Charlene Li) and it looks impressive. Using a ping server to primarily update its results as opposed to its web crawlers, the Google Blog Search will be competing directly with Technorati, BlogDigger, Feedster, DayPop and […]
FeedMiner updates released
FeedMiner, EvolvePoint’s RSS feed search engine, had some major upgrades released today. These are not the type of improvements you see just from looking at the web pages, but they become apparent as you begin to perform some feed searches (especially if you have used the service since we launched). While in beta, we’ve had […]
New small business IP site
The Entrepreneurial Mind has a pointer to a new site by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) encouraging small businesses to focus on intellectual property issues and protection.
FeedCraft beta launch
EvolvePoint’s newest service, FeedCraft, has been launched as a soft beta. By that I mean that we’re having a small number of selected beta customers on the service and we’ll expand that in several rounds of testing before our production release. FeedCraft is an RSS feed creation and management service. The service allows you to […]
New tenants moving into VT KnowledgeWorks
Things are starting to heat up here in the VT KnowlegeWorks building. We have two new tenants moving in beside my suite: Biomedical Implant Technology and Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties (VTIP). A full listing of the program members can be found at the following link.
VT KnowledgeWorks featured in Virginia Business Magazine
Virginia Business Magazine has an article featuring VT KnowledgeWorks. From the article, At VT KnowledgeWorks, a year-old business incubator in Blacksburg, the goal of some companies is not just to make a profit but to change the world. NBE Technologies, for example, is working on ways to enable LEDs (light-emitting diodes) to burn brighter, a […]
Writing again, with a new focus
With the move of EvolvePoint to Blacksburg and the Virginia Tech’s Corporate Research Center, I’ve been very slack in writing to my blog. Now that things are settling down a bit (emphasis on “a bit”) I plan on writing much more often. Come to think of it, I think I’ve said these words before, but […]
Study Shows 11% of Blog Readers Use RSS to Manage Feeds
Nielsen//NetRatings has posted the results of an interesting study showing that 11% of blog readers use RSS technology to manage feeds. Some of the stats from the survey (PDF): I use a feed aggregating Web site to monitor RSS feeds for blogs – 6.4% I’ve heard of RSS and know what it does but don¿t […]
Google providing feeds for news site
Slashdot reported this morning that Google is now providing RSS and Atom feeds for its Google News site, pointing out that the functionality previously only available in its email alert service can now be delivered via feeds. Details for usage can be found from Google here. What I find interesting is the continuing push of […]